Saturday, August 01, 2015

Speed up Firefox - Disable Pocket integration and use uBlock

After trying Safari for few months on my MBP, I wanted to move back to Firefox, mostly because I was missing the extensions.

However, after I downloaded and installed the latest Firefox (FF v38 and updated to 39) I found it very slow. It was so slow that it started getting me annoyed and I move back and forth between Safari and Firefox and Chrome. Tried using Activity Monitor on OSX and found that FF was using around 2GB of RAM.

Yes, I confess that I had lot of tabs open together (around 30 at least) but still 2GB was way too high. Safari with around half the numbers of tabs was using less than 200 MB of RAM.

I was about to uninstall FF from my system. Fortunately, I came across this LifeHacker article which tells you how to disable the default pocket integration to save memory. To be honest, I was very happy when I found Pocket integrated with FF. But I am not going to use Pocket that way at the cost of overall system performance.

The step to remove the integration is very easy
1. Just hit the 'about:config' and
2. Set 'browser.pocket.enable' to False.
3. You may want to restart the browser, just to make sure.

and by god, the memory uses got reduced by more than 60%. FF was now using around 800 MB of RAM. That was really surprising.

This motivated me to try more and I finally replaced AdBlock Plus with uBlock.

My FF is now using less than 500 MB of RAM for the same number of tabs that I still have open.

The 'Closing Words' on this gHacks article clearly summarize my thoughts.

and for Pocket, I am happy for now with their web app. May be I will re-enable the integration after an upgrade hoping the team have reduced the memory requirement.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Python virtualenv - Facts

Following the best practices of industry, just installed Python Virtual Environments in Mavericks. But every time I try to 'activate', which should have changed the command prompt, nothing happens... just nothing.

Searched all over the web but nobody seems to have the issue I am having... must be doing something foolish and I was...

You have to activate using 'source' command. So basically you have to type
Virtualenvs% source .bin/activate

and voila...

Being curious when looked inside 'activate' found that its just a simple shell script which sets few environment variables like VIRTUAL_ENV and PATH so that we don't have to.

Next thing that kept me confused for few hours is, what the heck is happening when I am installing new packages using 'pip' from inside my virtual env. Can't find any new folders created in 'include' or 'lib'... no new binaries in bin...

where are all those downloaded files disappearing into?

Anything you install inside a virtual environment will get stored inside the python site-packages folder which is under the lib folder. In my case it was

and the learning continues...

Monday, August 26, 2013

In mainframe, from inside a job, check if another job is running

Recently, we had an odd issue in our client's production environment. Many years ago, may be even before I knew there is something called mainframe, someone had built two set of jobs. The first job, lets call it LOGGER reads log messages from a MQ queue and off-loads the messages in a mainframe dataset for archive them. Now this job was special as it will never stop unless it abends or it reads a message from the queue which instruct the job to stop. Here comes the second job, lets call it STOPJOB, it will put a special message in the same MQ queue telling the first job to stop. The first job used to start along with the OS and used to stop only when Operator scheduled the second job.

Everything was running fine until one day when an Operator, by mistake, scheduled the STOPJOB twice during a scheduled quarterly maintenance. It caused two stop message in the MQ queue. The first message was read by LOGGER and it stopped normally. After maintenance along with the OS when the LOGGER was started it read the second stop message and stopped itself. Nobody noticed that until MQ job abended due to space issue which caused quite big issue. After lot of investigation the root-cause was found and it was decided to put a fail-safe mechanism as the same situation was very much possible to happen again.
After lot of discussion it was decided that the best simple solution will be to somehow stop the STOPJOB from being executed when LOGGER is not running or in other terms STOPJOB should only put the stop message in the MQ queue when it knows for sure the LOGGER is running. So our problem will be solved if somehow STOPJOB could know that LOGGER is running and then only put the stop message in the MQ queue.

The challenge was, how to know if a job is currently executing and to know it with-in the job?
As always Google search was our best consultant here. After searching through IBM Information Center and other libraries, found that there is a REXX interface to SDSF. This is really cool and exciting, anything that you can manually perform inside spool can also be done via a REXX program. For example, searching for jobs currently running, set the job prefix or owner and anything like that.
So we wrote a wee script and used that in STOPJOB just before executing the step that put the stop message in the MQ queue.


/* REXX */

Author: Chandan Chowdhury

Given a job name this script will go into executing system's spool and check if the job is currently running or not.

Return Code
RC=00, when job is running.
RC=01, when job is not running.
RC>04, when error

Interface: SDSF for REXX

arg jobid

/* attach to host command environment */
IsfRC = IsfCalls("ON")
If IsfRC <> 0 Then Do
   say "IsfCalls: RC = " IsfRC
   exit IsfRC

IsfPrefix = jobid /* Only one jobid */
IsfOwner = "*" /* Any Owner */

/* check the INPUT spool queue */
address sdsf "IsfExec i"
If RC <> 0 Then Do
  "SDSF: RC = " RC
  exit RC

JRC = 00
JNAME stem has the list of jobs mathcing the prefix and owner.
JNAME.0 have the count of jobs found.
If JNAME.0 > 0 Then
     JRC = 00 /* Job is found running, so set RC=00 */
      JRC = 01 /* Job is NOT found running, so set RC=01 */

/* Detach from host command environment */
IsfRC = IsfCalls("OFF")
If IsfRC <> 0 Then Do
   say "IsfCalls RC = " IsfRC
   exit IsfRC

/* exit with a Return Code */
exit JRC

The below job snippet uses the above script
// IF ( RC = 0 ) THEN

Monday, April 08, 2013

DB2 Package Issue - Cross Collection package use

In this post I am trying to explain a wee complex scenario that we had while we were trying to fix an production application issue. This is not at all a good read because I am writing this only for the sake of documenting the issue and the solution we choose so that it can remind me later.


  1. There are defined DB2 Prefixes, lets call them AB01, CD01 and a DB2 package with prefix AB01 can access the tables under same prefix. So to access a CD01PROD.TABLE1 the package must have a prefix of CD01PROD. Another package say AB01PROD.NAB01 cannot access the table. 
  2. A package can only be added to one single collection. So the package NCD01 cannot coexists in both CD01PROD and AB01PROD.


  1. The DB2 Plans are allowed to access packages in multiple collections mentioned in its PKLIST.

The Issue

We had an existing sub program called NCD01 which was accessing a table CD01PROD.TABLE1 and will confirm if a particular policy is of a special type or not. We had another sub program NAB02 which need to do the same check that NCD01 was doing additional to its own logic. So instead of re-adding the logic from from NCD01 into NAB02 we called NCD01 from NAB02 which to reuse the existing logic. So the situation is a program which is in collection AB01PROD need access to a package in CD01PROD collection. Due to restriction no-2 we cannot have the package of NCD01 in AB01PROD collection.

This is no issue for the main program in AB01PROD because we had added CD01PROD to the PKLIST of the main program and that enables the main program in AB01PROD to use a package in the CD01PROD collection directly or via another sub program.

The issue was this sub program NAB02 was also being called from a COBOL-DB2 Stroed Procedure NABSP01. Now any COBOL DB2 Stored Procedure runs as a sub program under the DB2 plan DSNTSERV


We had to dynamically change the package path using SET CURRENT PACKAGE PATH command of DB2. So in NAB01 before calling NCD01 we set the package path to CD01PROD. Then call NCD01 and reset the package back to what it was.

Friday, August 20, 2010

SunSpider JavaScript Test

Giving SunSpider Javascript Test a try on the three browsers i use. And Chrome-6 (dev) is the clear winner beating the latest stable versions of Firefox by 2 times and IE by 10 times.

Chrome-6.0.495.0 dev



Firefox 3.5 Maemo Browser on my N900

Try it on your system, its cool and fun.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Testing MaStory

MaStory is a blogging tool for Maemo devices like N900. It supports Blogger, Wordpress etc. The interface is quite simple.

Other than normal features like adding photos, liks it got various features like tagging, scheduled posts, preview right inside the app.

Feeling nice to write my first blog from my N900.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Love - as explained by Osho

Just found out this videos, so simply he explained.

Love and Aloneness

Being in Love